If only those fishes had listened to Kroaker, if only they were a little wiser than brave.Let this good moral book for children be part of your next read aloud day and enjoy their attention in full.
If only those fishes had listened to Kroaker, if only they were a little wiser than brave.Let this good moral book for children be part of your next read aloud day and enjoy their attention in full.
Little Ross was sad. He didn’t have a nice new tricycle like all the other children. All he had was an old hand-me-down trike. After sulking he decided to do something about it and made a “trick trike” that was the envy of the neighborhood.
Those little beauties have inspired so many stories. But where oh where did they get their name from? Why are they called the ladybugs? A tale that tells us emphatically that everything on earth has a purpose to serve. A free children’s book read aloud that is an absolute treat .
He sneaked into the rabbit hole at the slightest inkling of danger. He always wore an air of caution. He was the lily-livered bunny of the jungle.So they thought. Until one day a fire broke out and the tables were turned. The forest had found a braveheart to love. There’s more of this captivating story in this free children’s story book online.Enjoy!
Categories: Age 2-5, Age 6-9
In this classic tale, Dylan learns to make friends despite obstacles. And when the happily ever after arrives, both the dragon and the reader have learnt a thing or two about relationships.
Categories: Age 2-5, Age 6-9
Dr. Zob’s evil plans had failed once again, thanks to his wonder dog, Winston. They were just were they had to be, with Princess Aura at her birthday party. Read on to find out why Winston deserves a big cuddle and a juicy big bone. A big ‘Woof!’ to this wonderful free children’s story book.
Categories: Age 2-5, Age 6-9
Jamal made a case at the next open house and it mattered much. Download this free children’s book to read about how he chose to stand his ground and took courage to validate his actions. A little bit of honesty and a little bit of courage had gone a long way in boosting Jamal’s belief in himself. Read more in this free children’s real aloud and be truly inspired.