Saturday, February 9, 2008

Objectives of P1

Posted by Abouz on February 09, 2008 with No comments


  1. Recognize the set.
  2. Describe the set.
  3. Classify the objects to sets according to a specific property.
  4. Compare between two sets using the equivalence between the elements.
  5. Recognize the empty set without mention its name.
  6. Recognize the property of adding zero
  7. Recognize numerical examples of the properties of adding up to 9 without mention the name of the property.
  8. Solve simple open numerical sentences including the equality and the inequality.
  9. Solve simple daily problems on addition and subtraction.
  10. Recognize a simple numerical extension patterns and complete its elements.
  11. Recognize mathematical models included numerical sentences for a simple daily situation.
  12. Compare between the different things and describe quantitative changes or nature on it.
  13. Count freely and with understanding the numbers of elements in small sets up to 9
  14. Relate the meaning of the number to its symbol and its name and use that in dealing with simple life situations.
  15. Recognize the concept of arrangement of numbers.
  16. Arrange the numbers from zero to ten.
  17. Determine the facts of the numbers.
  18. Recognize the meaning of addition and subtraction up to 9.
  19. Recognize the place value of the digits of the numbers up to 99.
  20. Add 2-digit numbers with renaming.
  21. Subtract 2-digit numbers with renaming .
  22. Perform adding and subtracting operations quickly.
  23. Do mental calculations.
  24. Use the signs <, > or = to compare two numbers.
  25. Recognize the meaning of half an quarter.
  26. Read and write Half and Quarter in letters and in digits.
  27. Recognize the topological positions (up/down – in front of/behind-into/out-left/between/right)
  28. Recognize the shapes(square-triangle-circle-rectangle)
  29. Determine the shapes properties.
  30. Analyzing some shapes to its elements.
  31. Structure the simple shapes.
  32. Recognize the symmetric meaning using some activities.
  33. Complete some shapes to be symmetrical shapes.
  34. Recognize the units of money.
  35. Recognize the capacity using non standard units.
  36. Recognize the days of the week and arrange them.
  37. Recognize the length.
  38. Recognize some non-standards units to measure length.
  39. Use standard units to measure units.
  40. Collect data from the environment.
  41. Represent data using photos.
  42. Represent data using number line.
  43. Investigate some information from the data.


syllabus of P4

Posted by Abouz on February 09, 2008 with No comments

Mathematics syllabus of primary four 2007/2008




September & October 2007

Unit1: Large numbers and operations.

Hundred thousands-Millions-Milliard -Adding and subtracting large numbers -Multiplying two numbers

First term

November 2007

Unit1: (continued)

Division-tests and activities.


Divisibility-divisibility by 2 - divisibility by 5 - divisibility. By 3.

December 2007

Unit2: (continued).

Factors and the prime numbers- Factorize a number -Common factors. -Highest common factors -Lowest common multiple.

January 2008

Unit2: (continued).

Application of the highest common factors and lowest common multiple -solving tests and activities

February 2008

Unit1: Fractions

Equal fractions –the simplest form of the fractions –L.C.M. of the denominators –the whole number in the form of fraction-Mixed numbers-tests and activities.

Second term

March 2008

Unit1: (continued)

Comparing fractions –Adding and subtracting fractions-Multiplying and dividing fractions-tests and activities.

April 2008

Unit2: Geometry

Measuring angles- drawing angles –sum of measures of the angles of the triangle- types of triangles- activities

May 2008

Unit3: Representation of data.

Data representation using broken line –tests of the unit –general tests


Inspector     Director

Objectives of P4

Posted by Abouz on February 09, 2008 with No comments


(1) Learn large numbers such as millions and milliards, and how to read a large number and understand the place value of the digits of the number.

(2) Learn how to compare and order large numbers by quantity

(3) Learn and master the fundamentals of the addition and subtraction of large numbers in column form

(4) Learn and master the fundamentals of the multiplication with a two-digit multiplier in column form

(5) Learn and master the fundamentals of division with a single/two-digit divisor in column form

(6) Recognize the meaning of divisibility (divisible numbers) and understand the numbers from such viewpoint.

(7) Understand the meaning and relationship between factors and multiples, and deepen their feel for numbers.

(8) Understand the meanings of common factors and common multiples, and understand how to find them.

(9) Understand the meanings of the highest common factor and lowest common multiple, and how to calculate them.

(10) Understand the meaning of prime numbers. Students should be able to express a given number as a product of prime numbers.

(11) Understand the characteristics of numbers in multiples of 2, 5, and 3.

(12) Identify equal fractions, understanding how to reduce fractions (to a common denominator)

(13) Compare and order the values of fractions with different denominators

(14) Understand mixed fractions, with a good grasp of the correlation between fractions and whole numbers

(15) Understand and deal with the addition/subtraction of fractions

(16) Understand and deal with the multiplication/division of fractions

(17) Consider a fraction as a number, to have a wider concept of number

(18) Measure given angles using of a protractor.

(19) Draw figures of angles of a given size.

(20) Measure interior angles of a triangle using a protractor.

(21) Determine the type of triangle based on the length of its sides.

(22) Determine the type of triangle based on the size of its angles.

(23) Collect and organize materials according to type and purpose.

(24) Represent materials and two-dimensional tables as a line graph.


Posted by Abouz on February 09, 2008 with No comments


في لحظة

مات قلبي

رفضت الحياة

قررت أن أكون ..

ضحية لنفسي

فبدأت المأساة


سمعوني أقول :
" لن أتركك ابدآ "

وقالوا أني قلت :

" احبك حتى العبادة "

قالوا …وقالوا…

لكنني كنت أتساءل:

" كيف قلت ذلك ..

بينما كان…

الخمر يلعب بعقلي ؟!"



  • وماذا عن حبيبتي؟

( تذهب … تعود )

الم تقولي انك تحبينني؟!

أحببت حبك لها

(ينتهي إلى العدم –حبها- تلك التي يحبها)


عندما كنت منهمكا في رواية كذبتي

أشاد الجميع بصدقي

قررت أن أصبح





كذبتي التالية


ارتفعت إلى أعلى

رآها الجميع

جميلة كانت

صوب البعض أذانهم إليها

صوب الباقي أفواههم إليها

سقطت أرضا


احتفظت بها لنفسي


لا تبكي يا صديقتي- وفاء-

لا وقت للبكاء

فأحيانا صديقتي لا يقبل الرثاء

ما مات ليس شخصا

ليس قلبا

بل روح الحياة

بحق ما هو بيننا

لا تتركي دموعك تسقط لحظة

لتمحو جرما جناه غيرنا

وتجعلنا – صديقتي – نحن الجناة


خرجت من غرفتي

بحثت عن باب للخروج

فما وجدت بابا

ولا وجدت ..


فكيف يا حبيبتي

استطعت الدخول


ليذهب عالمكم إلى الجحيم

إلى الفناء

أو حتى إلى النجاة

لكنني ..

كما أنا..

تائه في بحر آثامي

التي ارتكبتها يوما

أثناء الصلاة


أنا لست أحبكم

لست احمل عاركم

أنا اليوم ابحث عن اله

يخلق القلب العقل

وأقاتل من كان غريقا في الحب

من كان بلا إثم

من كان جميلا

من كان شريفا

أو شبه اله


ألهمتني معنى الصداقة والوئام

معنى المحبة والسلام

معنى ارتقاء قلوبنا

معنى جلاء همومنا


  • بعد كل ذلك –

معنى الغرام


سأنحو نحوك يوما

وسوف أقامر دوما

أني بدونك..



لست أموت


من أين أتاني

إحساس بالخوف

إحساس بالرهبة والموت

إحساس بالحزن


ولست أريد…لا أعرف

من أين أتاني إحساسي باني أعيش


يا لغتي

هل ضاقت كلماتك بالأفكار

هل عن عمد إن اكتب كلمة "نار"

يشتعل الدفتر؟!

أو إن اكتب " ماء"

انجرف إلى الطوفان؟

ما بالي اكتب عن




فلا تجدي إلا



مادامت عيناك هي القبلة

وندائي احبك كصلاة

وغيابك عني كصيام الدهر

وبكائي في بعدك كزكاة

فانا في الجنة عاشقك

والله القادر

بالحب اله


لا تكن غبيا

ابحث عما يجبرها على حبك

  • حبي لها.

وما اجبرها على الاتحب كل من أحبوها؟

  • حبي لها.


لقد عقد خطبته بالأمس

قلت: من هي..؟

فقالوا إنها


Active Learning

Posted by Abouz on February 09, 2008 with No comments
  • Babies and young children learn by actively investigating the world around them and through social activity with people.
  • Children's interactions enable them to construct ideas and create a framework for thinking and learning that helps them to develop as learners.
  • When children are actively involved in learning they are developing the mental structures that help them to think and move on; these are sometimes referred to as schemas (Athey, 1990).
  • Practitioners contribute to children's active learning by creating the climate and conditions to promote their involvement.
  • Making decisions is important in children's learning, putting them in control and enabling them to match their play to what they want to achieve.
  • Children develop autonomy as learners by making and following through their decisions about their learning.
  • Engaging children in active learning depends on understanding and building on what each child is familiar with, knows and can do.
  • The range of activities available should enable all children to find something that is relevant to engage and sustain their interest.
  • Good working relationships with parents help practitioners to provide inviting contexts that children recognize and can learn from.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Posted by Abouz on February 08, 2008 with No comments

الدراسه بكره .......... او بعد بكره المهم ابتدينا التيرم الثاني وانا عندي تدريب