Showing posts with label Teachers Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teachers Magazine. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Technical books and free softwares

Posted by Abouz on June 14, 2012 with 1 comment
1- Technical books and free softwares in several langues                  (copy and past it in your  Explorer –             Copiez et collez le dans votre navigateur) 2 - Many things in this blog: learn English and other interest books   ...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Maths misconceptions

Posted by Abouz on January 14, 2008 with No comments
Everyone knows the feeling of struggling with a task that other people seem to breeze through. It might be programming the DVD player or even just reading maps.Well, this is how some kids feel with maths, and their difficulties are often rooted in misunderstandings of concepts that we, as teachers, don't give a second thought to. How much could we help them make progress if we were more aware of these...

Maths misconceptions

Posted by Abouz on January 14, 2008 with No comments
Everyone knows the feeling of struggling with a task that other people seem to breeze through. It might be programming the DVD player or even just reading maps.Well, this is how some kids feel with maths, and their difficulties are often rooted in misunderstandings of concepts that we, as teachers, don't give a second thought to. How much could we help them make progress if we were more aware of these...